自动单头活塞式灌装机 YHOF-1 Automatic Single Head Piston Filling Machine 产品描述Description 本机适用于化妆品、香水、消毒水、酒类、酱油、花生油、耗油调味品润滑油等液体类的产品灌装。本机功能齐 全,设计合理,灌装精确,便于清洗,性能稳定,是新型的灌装设备。有1-4个灌装头的设计,便于厂商更换有颜色的 物料和便于清洗泵头,令工作的效率更高。 This machine is suitable for the filling of liquid products in cosmetics like perfume, sterilization water, wine, soy sauce, peanut oil, oyster sauce and lubricant oil etc. It’s the latest filling machine with complete function. It can be designed 1-4 filling heads, easy to clean if filling colored materials. 技术参数Technical Specifications 型 号/model YHOF- 1-60 YHOF-1-125 YHOF-1-250 YHOF-1-500 YHOF-1-1000 灌装范围Filling Range 5-60ml 10-125ml 25-250ml 50-500ml 100-1000ml 理想灌装范围/ldeal Filling Range 25-60ml 50-125ml 100-250ml 200-500ml 300-1000ml 气压/Air pressure Range 0.4-0.6MPa 0.4-0.6MPa 0.5-0.8MPa 0.5-0.8MPa 0.5-0.8MPa 灌装速度/Filling Speed 0-30bottle/min 0-30bottle/min 0-30bottle/min 0-30bottle/min 0-30bottle/min 灌装精度/Filling Precision ±1% ±1% ±1% ±1% ±1% 料斗/Hopper 30L 30L 50L 50L 50L